Complete with their no-fi ethic, check out their cassette releases and artwork hand drawn by the band, they offer a fresh and some what dark alternative to the mainstream and prove that being a d.i.y band doesn't just mean sounding like you live and record your music inside a skip somewhere in Dalston...
Catching them live at the macbeth I was blown away by the atmosphere the band create with bassist/guitarist conan switching between instruments between songs,Pete's nonchalant yet mesmerizing dead pan delivery, which bring up some pretty fucked up imagery,
"I want a waistcoat made out of human flesh
i'd like some shrunken head ear rings"
Add Cherise's mood encapsulating drumming and Graffiti Island have stumbled upon a formula that means they don't have to compromise yet do not alienate.
I don't think easyjet flies to Graffiti Island, but you should definitely find some way to visit.
Home.Under.Ground Top 10
The 10 bands for this week that you should definitely check out.
1. Graffiti Island
Our first ever featured artist, which right now means nothing but in the future will hopefully mean something. I will champion this band til the day my the bones of my pinkie finger are turned into a pipe...
2. Wavves
Weed has always had musics back, and wavves and weed do go hand in hand, but so do wavves and being pretty fucking awesome.
3. Teeth!!!
Headlined the last Home.Under.Ground and single handedly brought the party. At last check the only song they had on their myspace was by alanis morrissette, not even a cover, just the lady herself - but still head over there you can download their ep's for free!
4. Little Death
Another Home.Under.Ground past headliner - during their set someone shouted out "you're gonna be the next nirvana" that must count for something pretty cool right.
5. Swanton Bombs
Swanton Bombs should come with an apology to your old favourite band that they aren't needed any more - Keep you eyes peeled for an album coming soon and try and pick up their EP 'Mammoth Skull'
6. Micachu
I don't think i really need to say much about Micachu - So far the best album of the year and i'm not sure how it's going to be topped.
7. Phantom
Some future Home.Under.Ground'ers here. Their ones to watch for 2009 and will be probably be huge in 2010. Catch them at the buffalo bar, islington on the 23rd of april.
8. Video Nasties
Do you have a tenner near you? maybe even a little bit less? if so grab it and hide it somewhere, wait for their album to come out and buy it immediately.
9. Male Bonding
This band are all kinds of amazing. Catch them on tour with the Vivian Girls throughout early may.
10. The XX
Another one i'm sure you've all heard of -- Check out 'Blood Red Moon' and their cover of Womack and Womack's 'Teardrops'
Mp3's and Shit.
Graffiti Island - Headhunters
Graffiti Island - Mountain Man
There's also these video's of them playing a sexbeat night at barden's boudoir
Part 1
Part 2
Mike X