Monday, 9 November 2009

Something Old.Something New.Something Awesome #3



Or more specifically 'Crazy Rhythms' The debut album of The Feelies'.
Hailed as one of the best albums of 1980, Crazy Rhythms was the debut of New Jersey New Wave band The Feelies. You've probably heard of them, highly respected and influential band that never really 'made it' because of constant breaks up and minimal commerical success.
Whilst i'm totally aware this post should have really happened back in September, when Domino re-released the record, as an incentive to go and buy it this blog didn't really exist then.
All i can ask is that if you haven't checked out The Feelies then listen to the stolen mp3 below go and seek out 'Crazy Rhythms' they even did that whole reforming thing band are doing now days so try and catch them live, probably at ATP or at this place called 'Maxwell's' in New Jersey if not just YOUTUBE that shit for sure...

The Feelies - Crazy Rhythms



With a limited release out soon on sex is disgusting records and a very complimentary pitchfork article under their belts, fair ohs look set to have a very interesting 2010.

Whilst older tracks like the 51 second I'm a Woman I'm your Wife show a certain penchant for aggressive speed garage, the band have dropped their prefix (they used to be 'thee' fair ohs) and are making sunshine punk at it's finest, citing Paul Simon and 'Kenyan benga beat' as influences. Tracks like 'Almost Island and 'Summer Lake' stroll along encompassing tropical guitars afro-beat drums and chilled out bass lines, with some good old fashioned punk 'way-ohs' thrown in for good measure.

Fair ohs are the perfect ammo for the ipod in terms of the freezing cold walk to the station for work on Monday mornings.

Fair Ohs - Summer Lake



From The Drums to Girls to The Smith Westerns there's loads of cool shit coming out of America so here's what can only be described as 'a fucked up American Propaganda movie' to remind us of all the rad things America does.